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California University records show pattern of sexual harassment

On Behalf of | Mar 10, 2017 | Sexual Harassment |

During a three year period (2013-2016), the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) fired no less than nine employees for violating sexual harassment policies. During that same period, UCSF also investigated over a dozen other employees for the same kinds of violations. These facts alone indicate a problem within the University, but the recent release of records shows that the problem runs even deeper.

Reportedly, the University discovered that 26 employees have violated its policies on sexual harassment. Some of these violations were relatively minor, such as male employees calling their female counterparts derogatory names. However, there seems to have been at least one case of “grave sexual misconduct.”

According to the reports, it took UCSF almost 10 years to fire a male medical staff member who repeatedly engaged in sexual harassment. The first incident occurred in 2007. The alleged perpetrator received a warning, was placed on leave and then transferred. Despite these penalties, he allegedly continued to violate sexual harassment policies.

A specific example involves the staffer kissing a female colleague’s neck the following year. He was penalized again, but continued to be accused of sexual harassment. UCSF finally fired the staff member in 2016.

The case of “grave sexual misconduct” mentioned above involved a male doctor and a female UCSF, Fresno student. Reportedly, the doctor engaged in the “grooming behavior of a predator” by sending predatory texts and attempting to cultivate the victim’s reliance on him. In 2015, the physician was charged with misdemeanor child molestation and the case is still ongoing.

Sexual harassment can happen in all kinds of situations and places of employment. That is why it is so important for victims to come forward and seek a remedy through the law. While it can be a scary prospect, victims should know that a good attorney can help them shoulder this burden while also protecting their rights.

Source: San Francisco Examiner, “UCSF records shed light on sexual harassment of students, workers,” Michael Barba, March 06, 2017